Terrains of the Body: Photography from the National Museum of Women in the Arts at Whitechapel Gallery 77-82 Whitechapel High St London E1 7QX

18 January 2017 – 16 April 2017

Drawn from the National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington, U.S.), this collection display showcases photography and video work by seventeen contemporary artists from around the world.

By turning their camera to women, including themselves, these artists embrace the female body as a vital medium for storytelling, expressing identity and reflecting individual and collective experience.

From the 1970s, women who were excluded from a canon dominated by painting turned to and revolutionised photography, film and performance. This new collection display, drawn from the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C, celebrates their legacy today. Whether it is in the potency of teenage girls captured by Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra, the female body as a site for ideology pictured by Iranian artist Shirin Neshat, or Dutch artist Hellen van Meene‘s depiction of a bubble gum-blowing adolescent recalling the paintings of Vermeer, these complex and aesthetically compelling works tell a vital story of women, subjectivity and art

Featuring work by: Marina Abramović, Rineke Dijkstra, Anna Gaskell, Nan Goldin, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Candida Höfer, Icelandic Love Corporation, Mwangi Hutter, Kirsten Justesen, Justine Kurland, Nikki S. Lee, Hellen van Meene, Shirin Neshat, Daniela Rossell, Eve Sussman and the Rufus Corporation, Janaina Tschäpe and Adriana Varejão.